06 November 2007

Mehmet's Monthly GINI Report

USA 45
Iran 43

sweeden, the lowest has a rating of 25 - Zimbabwe has one of the worst at 52.

goes to show you that the only people who really suffer when two powers go at it is the poor.

For a definition of the GINI Index - Click on the link.

1 comment:

  1. Letting the GINI out of the bottle again, eh? So you've been to this transplendently egalitarian country. Is it paradise on ice? A little koan: If you cite one statistic in a vacuum, is it significant? What about unemployment, alcoholism, suicide, STD pervalence, energy expended per unit of economic output, patent applications per annum? Sorry to be rubbing the lamp so hard on this one, but sometimes the gilt comes off in your hands.
