16 January 2008

The Gas Flaring Problem

Looks like the Yar'Adua administration has pushed back the deadline to end gas flaring in Nigeria. An editorial in the Guardian has this to say:
The practice of gas flaring is unimaginative and ultimately harmful to the long-term interests of the nation. Nigeria flares about 2.5 million metric cubic feet of gas daily. The World Bank calculates the losses at over $2.5 billion annually. ... Nigeria with its huge population cannot afford to take a myopic view of the future by basking in the glow of crude oil sales whilst at the same time neglecting the associated gas which will ultimately outlive oil as the mainstay of our economy.
This is a big climate change and pollution and health problem. Of course, on all my Chinatown bus rides up I-95 I've noticed several American companies still flare.


  1. hi evan,

    what is the purpose of flaring?

  2. "waste" disposal really. i guess in some contexts it was and continues to be cheaper to build and operate wells and refineries that don't capture the natural gas that's mixed in with the oil. seems also that the flares act as safety valves for pressure in the system. perhaps also if the gas weren't captured or burned it would spread throughout the industrial site and poison people? though i don't know enough about the chemistry to say for sure.
