17 January 2008

My Pipeline

"As we all know, we own the blood-net work in our body, so should we as of right and justice own and control the God-given deposits and landmasses."


  1. "Luckily, we own and appropriately take care of the human vascular pipeline system in our body by eating adequate food, take exercises, visit the doctor when needed, etc, just to keep the temple functioning and develop ourselves. This is God’s intent for His geo-economic-distribution of land and people."

    what the hell?!!

  2. Pure avantgardist econophysics!

    Speaking of pipelines... Very interesting article in Harper's this month about the human waste recycling industry in America. New York spends all sorts of money and energy cleaning our flushes so as to discharge safe water in the ocean. The solids are then sold to NYOFCO to be made into fertilizer.
